Headshot PrepAration FAQ

Tips To help you show up and nail your headshots.

You are Uniquely You

Dress & makeup decisions will depend on what your final use for the headshot portrait. Artists, actors, professionals, social media divas, doctors, and hipster shop owners all have different needs for a headshot.

Business headshots call for business attire, which can be super formal if you are a high paid executive, or a little more casual if you are a solopreneur.

Actors and artists can wear tops that are more casual, but make sure they contribute to the look you are trying to project.

If you are unsure, feel free to ask us!

Something for Everyone

There are some common steps everyone can take for a better headshot.

  • Make sure you are well rested and hydrated. You can pay extra for retouching to remove blemishes and lighten dark circles, but I recommend eating your veggies, drinking filtered water, and getting plenty of rest so you are feeling your best!

  • If you find yourself asking yourself whether a wardrobe item will work, bring it! I can help you decide, as long as you have it with you.

  • If you are uncomfortable in your outfit, it will show on your face. Choose apparel that helps you feel confident and comfortable.

What to Wear

  • Colors vs. Patterns: In general solid colors work best; patterns should be subtle. When someone looks at your photo you want their attention drawn towards your face, not the clothes you are wearing. Colors darker than your skin tone tend to work best. Choose a top that accentuates your eyes. Check out What are the Best Colours to Wear for a Professional Headshot?

  • Loose vs. Tight: Choose an outfit that does not bunch when you sit down or have it buttoned. Loose enough to be comfortable, tight enough to hold your shape. Sleeves are recommended if you don't want your arms highlighted.

  • Glasses: If you want glasses in your photo, bring all the frames you like that you own; some glasses are better than others when it comes to anti-flair. Even glasses with anti reflection coating can be fiesty based on their design. Remember the bespeckled Boy Scout motto—"Be three-paired."

  • Jewelry: Keep jewelry simple and elegant, not too blingy or distracting.

  • Business: Dark suits are good for a classic business look. Choose a tie that doesn't distract the eye with patterns. For business casual, choose a colored dress shirt that is darker than your skin tone.

Hair and Makeup

If you want professional hair and makeup for your shoot, bring your own stylist or we can refer one. While it is highly recommended, you can still look great without a pro by following these steps.

  • Keep it simple: You are perfect the way you are; small blemishes can be retouched. You don't want makeup to be what people notice in your photo.

  • Foundation: Match the color of foundation to the natural color of your skin in neck/chest area. Liquid, oil-free (water or alcohol based) foundation is best. Powder or compact foundation doesn’t look as good in pictures.

  • Powder: Setting or finishing powder can be used to reduce highlights and make the skin more matte. To control oily skin, bring a blotter sheet.

  • Lips: Bring lip balm or lip gloss with you to help keep lips looking soft. Go a bit darker with lipstick than you normally would, your lips will brighten in the photos. The night before, brush your lips with a toothbrush to remove dead skin.

  • Eyes: Trim, pluck or wax your eyebrows a couple of days in advance. If you choose to use mascara, darker works better, and black usually works best.

  • Hair: Bring a brush and some hair product if you normally use it. Use hair products that enhance shine rather than give a matte look. If you have long hair, start with your hair down and towards the end of the shoot put it up for a different look.

  • Shaving for Men. Shave the day of the shoot. Use an essential face oil or aftershave to help with skin irritation.

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